spacious apartments in a luxurious complex

السعر: KD 0

شارك هذا العقار:
  • تاريخ : 24/03/2021
  • رقم الإعلان : #80044
  • المنطقة : الشعب
  • فئة العقار :شقة
  • المحافظة : حولي
  • نوع الصفقة : ايجار
  • المساحة بالمتر مربع : 0
  • عدد المشاهدات:404
  • 56655118

spacious apartments in a luxurious complex located in the coastal shaab area with a beautiful sea view, avalaible in 3 and 4 bed variants, the tenants have access to a full roster of amenities including a swimming pool area, sauna, recreational area, gym, in unit AC/heating unit, covered parking garage, jacuzzi, tanning salon,internet, among other utilities and services. Pets allowed.

خدمة الوتساب العقاري

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